This registration site is for those individuals who are not currently affiliated with Pony Club.

If you are a current member, parent or leader with Pony Club, please sign in (using the link above). You must be logged in to receive the member prices.

Incomplete Registrations

You may start a registration, save it and return to complete it at a later time. Once you have completed a registration and submitted it, it will appear in the Submitted section below.

Add Date
Registration Type
No registrations found

Submitted Registrations

Below are the registrations that have submitted as complete, either for yourself or for those for whom you completed the registration. You may still edit the registrations to add new agenda items. Please Note: Sign up for meal events is available only through the close date of regular registration.

If a registration has a box in the “Pay Now” column, then the registration or an added item (if you added an agenda item after paying for the original registration) has not been received by the National Office. The Registration Fee is based on the date/time the Registration payment is submitted.

Reg Type
Reg Sub-Type
Balance Due
No registrations found

Your Schedule

Below is your personal schedule. To add an additional item, please see your registration line in the Submitted Registrations section. Items not yet paid for will not appear below.

Any individuals for whom you have submitted a registration may view their personal schedule through their own record.

Item Name
Option Name
Guest Name
You don't have any scheduled clinics or activities.