Adult teach adult member on bay horse in dressage arena

Professional Memberships

Since 1954, USPC has been teaching riding and horse care. Now, more people than ever can benefit from Pony Club's educational expertise. The recent addition of the Professional Membership offers a standardized curriculum that has been proven over time to develop knowledgeable, safe, and effective riders. And with the Pony Club educational program, students also learn responsibility, teamwork, respect for the horse and self, sportsmanship, leadership, and stewardship—all traits that educators hope to impart. Being a current Professional Member of USPC also demonstrates your belief in the value of teaching safe, responsible horsemanship.

One of the most exciting opportunities is the Professional Membership option, which offers access to Pony Club's proven curriculum. Designed for riding instructors, camp directors and staff, professors, teachers, homeschool parents, and other educators, the USPC Professional Membership provides lesson plans and ready-to-teach instructional materials focused on horses and their care. It allows educators to develop and enhance equestrian education for all ages and levels of riders across a variety of disciplines while providing an emphasis on safety and fun.

A USPC Professional Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Organized lesson plans for both mounted and unmounted lessons
  • Access to Pony Club IQ articles relevant to lesson plans
  • An online profile
  • Pony Club E-News (biweekly), with information about additional opportunities for riders to continue their equine educations.

*The Professional Membership dues are $95/year on a 365-day term, based on the anniversary of the member's join date.

Become a Professional Member

Educational Packages List | View a Sample Lesson Plan | View a Sample from the Equine Management Curriculum

Educational Packages

Horse Management and Riding Badge Programs

Professional Members may purchase additional educational packages through the USPC Achievement Badge Program. These comprehensive materials help you teach basic horse care and/or riding skills to students. The USPC Achievement Badge Program was designed to give instructors a tool to teach basic knowledge of horse care or riding with pre-made lessons, presented in a simple, easy-to-use format. These programs allow students to express their knowledge in a practical manner, allowing them to gain a sense of achievement upon completion, with the lessons being presented as a succession of skills.

These packages include:

  • Achievement Badge guides and student workbooks
  • Introductory-level certification materials, and
  • Complementary e-memberships for your students.

While use of the Badge Program does not require additional materials, each lesson contains a reference to the page(s) of The United States Pony Clubs Manual of Horsemanship: D Level (second edition) where discussion on particular goals can be found. Instructors may also choose to purchase the badges and present them to students as a reward during awards ceremonies, on the final day of camp, of at the end of a lesson series.

D-1 Certification

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The USPC Standards of Proficiency offer a progression of skills from beginner to advanced horse person. Certifications are earned at each level by successfully completing the associated skills. The D-1 certification is the starting point of continued learning for both mounted and unmounted skills and is the foundation for the USPC certification system.

With the purchase of an educational package that includes D-1 certification, Professional Members receive online access to USPC’s Standards of Proficiency for the D level, along with the D-1 checklist and test sheet. The checklist is a valuable tool that helps evaluate a student’s readiness to complete the D-1 certification, while the D-1 test sheet is for use by the instructor to ensure each required skill has been successfully demonstrated.

Horse Management skills for the D-1 cover 12 topics basic to understanding and caring for a horse or pony. Riding skills for the D-1 include mounting and dismounting; riding in an enclosed area without a lead line; demonstrating a basic balanced position at the halt and walk, and control of the mount at the walk and trot. The ability to canter is not required at the D-1 level.

Upon a student’s successful completion of the D-1 certification, Professional Members who have purchased an educational package with D-1 certification materials will be able to customize and print a certificate for their student(s).

Equine Management Curriculum

As a longtime equine education industry leader, the United States Pony Clubs now offers the Equine Management Curriculum to schools and other educational organizations to use as part of their courses. This educational package is for anyone looking for classroom resources to teach equine science topics or who wants their students to benefit from a reputable and safe curriculum.

Materials include a curriculum guide for instructors with lesson plans and activities, plus student worksheets, all based on USPC’s Manuals of Horsemanship and Standards of Proficiency.

The Equine Management Curriculum will provide students with a working knowledge of horse health care, maintenance, and handling.

Package Pricing Additional Materials
Horse Management Badge Program - $100
- 1 Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Student Workbooks
Horse Management Badge Program Materials  - $35
- 5 additional Horse Management Student Workbooks
Riding Badge Program - $100
- 1 Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Student Workbooks
Riding Badge Program Materials - $35
- 5 additional Riding Student Workbooks
Complete Badge Program - $180
- 1 Horse Management Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Horse Management Student Workbooks
- 1 Riding Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Riding Student Workbooks
Complete Badge Program and D-1 Certification Package - $275
- 1 Horse Management Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Horse Management Student Workbooks
- 1 Riding Instructor Guidebook
- 15 Riding Student Workbooks
- Online access to the D-Level Standards of Proficiency
- Online access to the D-1 Checklist and Test Sheet
- Up to 15 students recognized as a USPC D-1
- 15 D-1 Certificates
- 15 complimentary E-Memberships for students
D-1 Recognition & Certificates - $30
- 5 additional students recognized as a USPC D-1
- 5 additional E-Memberships
Equine Management Curriculum - $135
- 1 Equine Management Curriculum Instructor Guide
- 1 set of Equine Management Curriculum Student Worksheets