Girl patting a palomino pony

Discipline Competition Resources

Pony Club rulebooks are reviewed and may be republished annually. Minor updates and changes to rulebooks are included in the annual discipline newsletter.

Resources provided in a PDF format on may be printed and utilized for member and leader purposes. If a member or leader wishes to forgo printing these items at home, they are also available for purchase at

Rally Resources

  • Intent to Rally - Every Rally/Competition Organizer must submit the form at minimum of 45 days prior to their event.
  • USPC Safety page - Information including, but not limited to, heat-related illnesses, head injuries, incident reports, member protection, medical personnel at rallies, and safety equipment.
  • Chaperone Form - To be completed by the chaperone and turned in with the rally entry for USPC members below the age of majority.
  • Coaches Form - To be completed by each coach of a team or competitor who wishes to have an individual coach.
  • Emergency Contact Form - For USPC Members above the age of majority.
  • Junior/Senior Team Acknowledgement Form - To be completed by any junior member (under 18) wishing to compete on a team with senior members (18 and over).
  • Rally Evaluation Form - To be completed by any attendee (competitor, official, parent, etc.) of any rally for feedback.