Classified Order Form

Ads for all categories are only $35 for a maximum of 200 words. Working Students seeking opportunities who are current Pony Club members may submit an ad for free. All photos must adhere to USPC safety standards. Photos are included in the price and will appear on the USPC website. For more details on submitting a Classified Ad, please visit our FAQ page. Further information will appear after you select a Category.

PRIVACY PROTECTION: Protecting your privacy is important to The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. is a general audience website. Individuals under the age of 18 years old should not submit any personal information, including email addresses or telephone numbers. Children should always ask a parent for permission before sending personal information to anyone online. The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. does not share or sell personal information about web users with third parties. We do not sell or rent personal information about any of our users, regardless of age.

ABOUT ADVERTISING: USPC does not endorse any publication, service, or product. Advertising on the USPC Website does not imply any such endorsement; nor does USPC warrant as to the accuracy of any claims made by such advertisements that claim to meet USPC needs or requirements. Advertising does not necessarily reflect the standards and practices of USPC.