Make a Change in Center Leaders

Need to make a change in Center Leaders? Read more on the process for each position below.

Center Administrator and Assistant Center Administrators

Under the terms of the contract the Center Administrator is appointed by the Facility Operator.

To remove a Center Administrator (CA) or Assistant Center Administrator (ACA) or report a resignation, notification in writing must be sent by the Facility Operator to the Membership Department, or the Contact List completed and submitted to the USPC national office, with the following information:

  • The name of the currently appointed CA or ACA and the date their position with the center ends.

To appoint a new CA or ACA, notification in writing must be sent by the Facility Operator to the Membership Department, or the Contact List completed and submit to USPC, with the following information:

  • The name of the new CA or ACA, their contact information (address, email, phone), and the effective date.

Don't forget – Before the appointment can be made the individual accepting the position must:

  1. Be an Annual or Life Corporate Member of USPC.
  2. Favorably complete a USPC-approved Background Check.
  3. Complete the SafeSport™ Trained Core Course.
  4. Complete the Heat-Related Illness training module and corresponding quiz.
  5. Complete the Head Injury and Concussion training module and corresponding quiz.
Example of bad variable names

Center Volunteer

Appointments of Center Volunteers are made by the Center Administrator.

To appoint a new Center Volunteer, an email may be sent by the Center Administrator to the Membership Department, or the Contact List completed and submit to USPC, with the following information:

  • The name of the new Center Volunteer, their contact information (address, email, phone), and the effective date.

If a Center Volunteer will no longer be helping, an email may be sent by the Center Administrator to the Membership Department, or the Contact List completed and submit to USPC, with the following information:

  • The name of the Center Volunteer and the date their position ends.